I’ve turned exposure off. (or at least I think I did in the project settings) How do I stop the lights from fading like this?
My guess is that you have a mismatch between whats on screen and whats in the Lumen scene. Use the lumen debug views, it should look roughly like the main view.
Those are spotlights that are acting weird. Are spotlights supposed to do that with lumen?
So what is the deal with spotlights and lumen? Do they just not work correctly?
They set the limits in the auto-exposure range. Won’t do anything in your case, because you have disabled auto-exposure.
Why is it called EV100 and MaxEV100… And sometimes it is called. Min Brightness and Max brightness? Are there are multiple types of post processing volumes? Why are there discrepancies between these ppv?
I can’t fix this problem. There is some kind of deeper flaw that is outside the range of the project settings and the post processing volume. Auto exposure is locked on and I can’t turn it off. Everything I’ve tried to turn it off in this project won’t register as a change.
I’ve moved assets out of this project into a new project and it works fine outside of this project.
Is there a simple way to reset the rendering project settings without having to mess with a bunch of .ini files?
I’ve been messing with this problem for two days straight. And there is nothing on the forums about this problem. There is nothing in the project files. I’ve adjusted and tweaked everything.
My guess is that moving the project from 4.2 to 5.1 messed up something up underneath the hood of the project. Something that can’t be fixed directly.
It depends on whether or not Extended Luminance Range for Auto-Exposure is enabled in the project settings. When enabled EV100 is used. None of this is really relevant, this is not an auto-exposure problem.
Assuming you did this in your project folder and not the engine you should be able to just delete them and the engine will fall back to the defaults. Should probably back them up though in case I’m mistaken.
Well you haven’t done the most important thing which is what I told you in my very first reply: Look at the Lumen debug views.
Per the Docs:
Whenever you have a problem with Lumen the first thing you should do before anything else is look at the Lumen debug views. They give you Lumens view of the world and are the single most important piece of information you can have about why the lighting is behaving unexpectedly.
Well deleting did nothing. Looking at lumen visualization revealed nothing as far as I can tell. Deleting the engine default made me set lumen settings for this project. On the plus side, the editor view doesn’t have the exposure effect. but game mode does.
But if I check off game mode. It looks more like the game mode…