Light bug, looks so bright everywere when it shouldn't

I’m making a level and in a moment it started looking like this image (it looks so brighty it’s supposed to be visible just the sunlight):

It should look like this one:

How can i fix this?

do you have in your level a post processs volume?
From it you can define a space where the camera have a certain Exposure .
The exposure is normally set as automatic and will change based on the environment and the amount of light detected…

I usually start adding a postproces volume from the Actor-placer
and set the exposure to manual, and set the exact amount of light i want.

Pay attention that if the camera leave the volume will go back to default.
you can have m ultiple postprocesssvolumes, or just set this one to be unbound so to work everywhere

Yes, we have a post process volume added to the level with the exposure fixed at 0,5 if i remember clearly