Light bleed is still a thing?


I have a very basic level, a mesh with a hole in it and a spotlight behind it, all walls are sealed with no gaps, yet light still bleeds in from the edges of the walls and from the window – why?

Looks like the issue is Volumetric Fog and the Directional Light, what I did to get the below was reduce the Intensity of the DirectionalLight as it was still really high when I had the Volumetric Fog on which is why you see lines of light on meshes and brought down the fog intensity to reduce light scattering to a more realistic level. + you can also change the mesh material to one that is ‘unlit’ or similar so it doesn’t allow light to bleed into itself.

you gotta enable volumetric shadows in the light parameters. and this only works with shadow mapped lamps of the simple or virtual variety.

only the directional light supports raytraced and volumetric shadows.

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I’m surprised that Lumen is really Lumen lite based on that information that it hasn’t even reached all basic lights offered by the engine, so it’s Directional Light or jank shadows but good volumetric light, thanks for your answer, you’ve saved me a lot of trouble! :slight_smile:

well… nvm. looks like i made some mistakes in the console yesternight. or it is a random daily thing (?). today and reboot setup it does volumetric shadows for raytraced lights but fails with shadow mapped lights. very weird.


shadowmapped (simple)

manylights 1

manylights 0

fog inside buildings is a lil unrealistic, but there’s no exclusion volume for heightfog nor a seperated code path for local fog volumes with procedural density. yeah. that’d be nice to have.

it’s there but if i raise the fog diatance it’s gone. not seperated.

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