"Light as if Static" setting not persisted

Steps to reproduce in UE 4.8.2:

  • Create a blank new project with starter content included
  • Once in the editor, find the Table static mesh actor and click on it
  • Make the Table actor Moveable
  • Check the Light as if Static checkbox on it
  • Save the project and everything
  • Reload the project

Expected: Light as if Static on the Table static mesh actor should appear checked after reload.

Observed: Light as if Static is unchecked on the Table static mesh actor

NOTE1: While the steps above should be sufficient to reproduce the bug, it might be worth pointing out that when multiple movable static mesh actors reference the same static mesh, only one of them will fail to preserve the Light as if Static setting while the others will keep it.

NOTE2: This bug report seems to be a duplicate of that other one but I was asked to post mine as a separate question.

Hi Yanko,

So here are the steps I’ve done to recreate what you have.

1.) Open new project with starter content
2.) Make new Default Level
3.) Go to content Browser and find the table.
4.) Bring Table Into scene
5.) Go to Table Detail panel
6.) Change from Static to Movable
7.) Go to Lighting tab under the Details panel
8.) Go to the Light as if Static Option and check the box for this
9.) Save this project and name it “___________”
10.) Go to File and click Exit.
11.) Reload the project
12.) Go to the level I created
13.) Check to see if Light as if Static is still checked on or not

After these steps I still have the Light as if Static check on.

If there is any specific step that you have done differently let me know.


Hi Yanko Yankov -

Thank you for your report. We have assigned this issue to a member of our support staff, and they will begin investigation as soon as possible. If we are unable to reproduce the issue, or we need additional information, our staff member will comment here with additional questions. Otherwise, we will post an ‘Answer’ once we have logged the issue in our bug database or we have a solution for it.

In the meantime, please be sure to review our suggestions for how to report a bug, and feel free to edit your post if you have additional information to provide:

Thank you -

Eric Ketchum

Hey , thanks a lot for looking into this. I am really in a hurry right now, so I just recorded a quick video (sorry, no narration) that should hopefully help to clear things up: http://youtu.be/DlzcgHNfIlg

Hey Yankov,

I have created the steps you did inside of your video. You are right, in that this is a bug. It has been reported to the development team and it will be considered for revision. The ticket number is UE-18823.

The work around would be, as you demonstrated, to copy that object and repeat your steps.

Thank you again for reporting this,

Same bug here. 4.11.0.

I don’t know about 4.11.0 but I just tested in 4.11.2 and it works as expected, no problem there.

I have the same problem. I checked UE-18823 and it says “by design”. What is that supposed to mean? It is clearly not a behavior anybody would expect. I need objects to use that flag and now I can’t use it? What good is a flag I can set that is reset every time a project is loaded?

This is the ticket you should follow instead: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-30080)

Issue is no longer reproducible in 4.13.