Hi, I exported E57 files from Faro SCENE and attempted to import them into Reality Capture. However, Reality Capture refused to import the point cloud file. Did you use any specific settings when exporting the point cloud?
Hi @Qilmeg, what kind of scan are you using? Is your scan structured? If you open your scan in CloudCompare, do you see the scanner positions for each scan? Was it exported as ordered?
I have failed to get structured scans from Faro Connect into reality capture unless they are flash scans. I think the non-flash data is stored as a cluster of scan positions rather than individual scans even though it works fine in other software
Hi @Tornligament,
in mostly cases are the individual scans better, but also a cluster should be importable.
If your scan is structured with scanner positions, then the issue could be the intensity value. RealityCapture works only with the 0-1 intensity range values.