libcurl exposing IP in terminal log via logHttp.

How do I remove my server’s IP from the error message in LogHTTP? I don’t want users, when using the dedicated server, to see through the log, the IP of my HTTP server from my own service.

[2022.12.22-05.18.17:535][392]LogHttp: Warning: 00000218E9210100: request failed, libcurl error: 7 (Couldn't connect to server)
[2022.12.22-05.18.17:536][392]LogHttp: Warning: 00000218E9210100: libcurl info message cache 0 (  Trying
[2022.12.22-05.18.17:536][392]LogHttp: Warning: 00000218E9210100: libcurl info message cache 1 (TCP_NODELAY set)
[2022.12.22-05.18.17:537][392]LogHttp: Warning: 00000218E9210100: libcurl info message cache 2 (connect to port 3478 failed: Connection refused)
[2022.12.22-05.18.17:538][392]LogHttp: Warning: 00000218E9210100: libcurl info message cache 3 (Failed to connect to port 3478: Connection refused)
[2022.12.22-05.18.17:539][392]LogHttp: Warning: 00000218E9210100: libcurl info message cache 4 (Closing connection 1)
[2022.12.22-05.18.19:620][455]LogHttp: Warning: 00000218E9211D00: request failed, libcurl error: 7 (Couldn't connect to server)
[2022.12.22-05.18.19:621][455]LogHttp: Warning: 00000218E9211D00: libcurl info message cache 0 (Hostname was found in DNS cache)
[2022.12.22-05.18.19:621][455]LogHttp: Warning: 00000218E9211D00: libcurl info message cache 1 (  Trying
[2022.12.22-05.18.19:622][455]LogHttp: Warning: 00000218E9211D00: libcurl info message cache 2 (TCP_NODELAY set)
[2022.12.22-05.18.19:623][455]LogHttp: Warning: 00000218E9211D00: libcurl info message cache 3 (connect to port 3478 failed: Connection refused)
[2022.12.22-05.18.19:623][455]LogHttp: Warning: 00000218E9211D00: libcurl info message cache 4 (Failed to connect to port 3478: Connection refused)
[2022.12.22-05.18.19:623][455]LogHttp: Warning: 00000218E9211D00: libcurl info message cache 5 (Closing connection 2)

I don’t know the answer to your problem, but may I ask why you would want to do that? People who are interested in your infrastructure can easily use tools like netstat or Wireshark to get that information. On the other side it makes debugging harder in the case of connectivity issues.

Ending DDOS attacks is impossible, but I want to at least limit it, because with the IP visible, even non-advanced users can use free AWS services to take down the server, or use the powerful internet itself, and with a simple youtube tutorial spoil it your provider. With the hidden IP, it is limited to very advanced users only.