[LFW PAID] Unreal senior gameplay/developer 7+ years

Hey, I’m Dima with 7+ years of experience in the Unreal, mostly in gameplay/ development.
Looking for remote long-term projects, and better products.
Can be a mentor in Unreal, Gameplay (GAS), Blueprints, or other my strong skill parts.


  • Gameplay,
  • Gameplay ability system,
  • Enhanced input,
  • C++ (Unreal and software),
  • Blueprints,
  • AI / EQS,
  • Animation,
  • UMG,
  • Optimization ( Porting from PC to Mobile, GPU, CPU, Blueprints),
  • Materials,
  • Replication (RPC, GAS),
  • Vehicles (Car pawn),
    Platforms: PC, AR (iOS, Android), PS5, VR (PC oculus rift s, HTC Vive), (Mobile oculus quest, oculus go, gear VR, daydream, cardboard).
    Source control Git, Perforce, Plastic.

Also, I’m the marketplace creator LINK, wrote from my personal account.

Previous Work:


Evil West

Own funny oculus quest VR game. Developed by me alone archer Oculus Quest VR game, with pawns setup, damage system, HP, Bow/Arrows (3 different levels), UI, AI, EQS, Optimization 65-72fps (Level streaming, LODs, Merging), Sounds, and more.

AR Jaguar F Pace in AR/Mobile, video:

Public portfolio:


Email: feroxd392@gmail.com
More on website: https://OwlDevStudio.com/
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Owl_UA_Unreal/videos
Expected salary 4300+ EUR

Bump bumpp

Bump bumpp

Hello. I sent you a private message.

just sent you a message on Skype!

ready to work remotely
