I’m considering transitioning from Unity to Unreal Engine and I’ve been working on it for a while now, but the lack of resources on mobile game development is driving me crazy. Especially, I couldn’t find almost any resources on lightmap and dynamic lighting optimization for mobile. Most of the questions on forums regarding this topic remain unanswered. For example:
1- I want to bake an environment with static lights and keep the lightmap count as low as possible. Doing this in Unity is relatively easy, but there’s a significant quality difference in Unreal. How can I adjust this?
2- How can I add a second directional light on this baked scene and dynamically adjust it so that it only casts shadows for dynamic game characters? This is straightforward in Unity, but I couldn’t find a clear resource on how to optimize it in Unreal either with the same method or with stationary light.
3- How can I effectively use custom skybox, reflection probe, and reflection probes with custom textures? When I tried this in Unreal Engine, the sky reflection appears black in the Android preview.
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could answer these questions or provide suitable resources. Additionally, content creators with expertise in this area can contribute more content related to mobile games, which would increase the number of people transitioning from Unity or other game engines like me.