Levels gained in Creative lost when I went back to lobby.

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I just leveled up to level 147 from level 142 in Creative and when I left and returned to lobby my Level was still 142. Please Help.

Steps to Reproduce

I’m not sure it’s the First time that this has ever happened to me.

Expected Result

I would suppose a loss of all the XP that a person gained once returned back to the lobby from Creative.

Observed Result

No XP gain.



Oh my goodness this just happened to me as well! I was playing Zombieland 2 on PS5 platform starting lvl was 166 halfway to 167. Leveled up to to 170 in creative map. Spent literally 4 HOURS grinding killing zombies, only to be demoted back down to level 166. I reloaded into the map just to check if it would happen again, and sure enough it happened again leveled to 167 only to be demoted back down again to 166. I don’t understand!!! I was playing forever and worked so hard!!! This is the only time I get to play too! So upset I could cry!! I want my levels back!

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UCB-1222 incident has been created. Status is ‘Awaiting Validation’.