Level Suddenly Takes Long Time To Save/Load

For no apparent reason my level suddenly takes FOREVER to load and save.

It has a landscape, couple of AI characters, some pawns and a few static mesh props. These were all there before this issue.

Anyone else had this problem?

check the capacity of your drive c.

I had a problem like yours before but I am not sure if your problem is the same as mine

Saeedc, thanks for the suggestion! C drive is not the issue, 170+gb free there plus I don’t store my unreal projects on C - they are on a 4TB D drive (with 3.2TB free).

Bumpety bump. Has anyone run into this issue?

Work on my game has come to a complete standstill. I cannot now save my level at all. It freezes at 45%.

I have a high spec system (i7 5960X), loads of RAM (32GB 3000) and lots of free disc space (3.2TB). My level was perfectly fine to save - and then it suddenly wasn’t. Everything else saves fine.

I tried duplicating the level and systematically deleted objects to see if any one thing is the cause. The issue persisted.

I then, out of sheer frustration, deleted ALL the objects in the scene and still the level takes 10+ mins to save (Stuck on 45% for a long time).

Reopening the EMPTY level the issues persists (!?!?!?!). The emptied level is 126mb on disc. A new level saves very quicky and is 913KB on disc.

Why on earth does this happen?

How does a level get corrupted like this?

Can someone from Epic please respond?

Hey Michael,

A couple of things to try:

  • Migrate the map to a clean project and attempt to save it.
  • Create a new map in that same project and attempt to save that.

Let me know the results of both of those tests.

Sean thanks for responding.

  1. Migrated map (and all dependencies) to a clean project. Map wouldn’t load at all stuck on 75% - force quit after 15mins. Tried again, left for 30mins this time, same result.

  2. Created a new map. Threw in a landscape and a few game assets. Saved instantly. No problem at all.

I am only using two movable lights in the game - one directional (sun) and one skylight. I tried switching to fully dynamic lighting anyway in case it was a lightmap issue? Set Force No Precompute Lighting and rebuilt lighting. Set No Static Lighting in project settings. Restarted. No difference.

Thanks for performing those tests. It definitely appears that there is an issue with that particular map.

  • Could you please provide your dxdiag?
  • Could you please zip up the .umap file and provide it? You can PM it to me on the forums if you’re concerned about privacy: https://forums.unrealengine.com/member.php?160394-Sean-Flint
  • Have you tried recreating the map from scratch to see if you experience the same results after a certain point?


I am marking this topic as resolved for tracking purposes, as we have not heard from you in a few days. If this issue persists, feel free to respond to this thread. For any new issues, please create a new Answerhub topic.

Have a great day!

Hi there
I am having the same problem as the person who reported this issue before. I am not sure if he managed to solve his issues, but I am unable to do so.

I am able to load all of our test maps quite easily but as soon as I try and load our main techdemo level, the level starts loading and then just hangs at 50%. Any ideas how I can solve this? I have scoured the net for an answer but haven’t found anything that really helps me solve the problem.

Hey fancypride,

Unfortunately there’s nothing I can think of that could cause this initially.

If the level contains a large number of assets, it’s possible that the load times will just be extremely long. I’d recommend trying to delete the Saved and Intermediate folders from your project in order to see if that makes a difference.

Let me know if that makes a difference

Thank you SO much, my saved folder was 27gb. That must have been the problem!

delting intermediate, makes project unloadable. Ill let you know how save folder goes ;

ty, trying everything,not sure why or where this started. I got them back from undo from trash bin.

same problem, i have stuck loading at save map!. and solved for me after deleting some object from otliner window,

I still get this problem, every single time it gets stuck on UMAP saving. On alot of stuff on scene to just a big landscape this happens, Please fix this!!