Here is a crappy video of the issue.
Essentialy, when i run the game in singleplayer (through the OpenLevel function) the game works perfectly fine.
However when i load it up on multiplayer ( through the servertravel console command ) the player characters physics? and collisions and general interaction bugs out.
This was all working a week ago with the exact same code for player characters and level transitions, so i do not know what else i could of changed to cause this.
I have looked at the logs with someone, and either i’m blind or just not skilled enough to detect the cause if it is there.
Any insight or comment at all would be greatly appreciated. Very confusing for me, thanks in advance.
To me, it looks like you are not calling the event s on server. make sure you have “component replicates” set on the things your rotating, and set your variables to replicate on server things. also, make sure any custom events you are calling are being sent to server and to clients
unfortunately not my friend, i wish my solution was because of something silly like replication being turned off, but i think it’s a lot more of a ■■■■■ than that.
I have spawned the players in using their PlayerCharacterParent actor, which has all the same code, but the default unreal mannequin character, and it all works perfectly fine, so i believe the issue is with the custom character mesh/physics… even though they work perfectly fine in singleplayer.
Thanks for the comment though, i do appreciate it.