My level Sequences are not playing after I upgraded to 5.1.
I have a trigger actor which has a reference to the level sequence placed in the level which will create level sequence player using a Movie Scene Sequence Playback Settings variable which is editable on the actor within the level and then uses that Level Sequence Player to play the level sequence referenced on the trigger actor.
How can I fix this?
I implemented a skip cutscenes option for my game which I am using to work around to work on other features beyond the cutscenes. I hope this gets fixed or someone lets me know how to fix up my code to make it work.
I figured out that it a trigger actor starting the sequence works on a new level but not on the existing maps I have already. Weird.
I was thinking the level sequencers are not playing is something to do with world partition or some setting or something with the level. I selected build all levels and now a bunch of actors were unloaded so I went to the world partition box and unloaded the area and then loaded them up, so my actors show. However, some of the actors which are not referenced by another actor are not being loaded when I play the game.
When I converted my test level (for testing the level sequence played by a trigger which was working) to world partition by going to tools and convert level under world partition. The trigger didn’t play the level sequence.
Submitted a bug report here.
After playing some Skyrim and being inspired, I implemented doing scripted events without level sequences using splines to move around regular actors and MoveToLocation node in Behavior trees for NPC characters and setup actors which are just actors with scripted event interfaces, referenced actors, and particular logic to that event, much like director blueprints for event tracks in Sequencer. Those setup actors are placed near the scripted event with blueprint interface functions to wire the referenced actors to make the scripted event happen.
If you still need level sequences to work in a world partition level, then check my bug report. 5.1 Level Sequence cannot play in a world partition level