5.1 Level Sequence cannot play in a world partition level

Version: 5.1.0-23058290+++UE5+Release-5.1
Reproduce steps:

  1. Create a level and open it up and create a floor and light.
  2. Create a new level sequence and put it into the map and add a simple shape (cube/sphere) and put it into the level sequence, then key in some transforms at different positions to make the shape move.
  3. Create an actor with a box collision and on overlap of the box then check if overlapped actor is the player and reference the level sequence and check that it is valid and then create level sequence player and use that to play the level sequence.
  4. Place the trigger actor in and then import first person content and set the first-person game mode so that the trigger and level sequence can be tested.
  5. Hopefully the level sequence plays correctly. Now, go to tools and
    under ‘world partition’ select ‘convert level’ don’t convert in place though. Open the world partition map and load all of the actors and then play the game to see if the level sequence plays on trigger.

The TestLevelSequence and TestLevelSequence_WP maps of this project in the FixCutscenes folder has it all built.

What I noticed is that you cannot move objects. Camera and camera movements work.

Is there any solution to this problem? Am I missing something or doing something wrong?

You said that you cannot move objects. I am guessing you converted a world partitioned level and changed the pawn class of the game mode for that level? And that pawn cannot move objects like before? Are you saying that you cannot move objects in your game or in the Editor? If it is a problem with your game, then you should go over the game logic you are using on your pawn which moves objects and moves the camera.

You are being too vague so I cannot understand your particular problem. It is related to my post, right? The level sequence isn’t working in your level after converting to a world partition.

To both problems here: Level Sequence not playing & Unable to Move

Try setting all actors that are within the sequence, as well as the level sequence itself to “Not Spatially Loaded”.

A checkbox is there in “Streaming” category for each actor.

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What I meant is that actors in sequence are not moving according to Trasform Track. In fact they don’t move at all.
The level was World Partition based since UE 5.0 and the actors are placed inside their own DataLayer.

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I tried that and the level sequence still doesn’t play.

Okay. Thanks for clarifying. I have transform tracks and event tracks in my level sequences which both don’t work. I am not going to use level sequences in my project since I found another solution for scripted events by doing this:

I guess you couldn’t do it this way if you are using cameras in the level sequences.

I managed to find an unpleasant workaround:

  1. actors bound to the sequence must be set as NOT spatially loaded (and that was understood)
  2. add the sequence as an actor ( Level Sequence Actor) in the scene
  3. scroll down the details to the Binding Overrides section
  4. add each binding to the actors in the scene
  5. you can either set the sequence to autoplay or play it from any blueprint (looping or not)

Hope this is just a temporary bug and it’s going to be solved while I’m writing.

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Hi, I have the same issue after updating to 5.1. I converted the Data Layers with commandlet mentioned here.
I tried to uncheck the “Is spatialy loaded” checkbox, but it solved only some of the problems. The better solution was to remove all actors from the converted data layers. Then it wokred both without a Data Layer and even with a new Data Layer (and its asset) created.
Give it a try and please let me know if it solved your issues :wink:

EDIT: I noticed another problem after I exchanged all data layers for new ones. Even though I have all layers set to initially invisible and unloaded, when I render the sequence with Movie Render Queue, all Data Layers are enabled. And the MRQ is even ignoring explicitly unloaded Data Layer in the sequence (specific Data Layers are set to unloaded in the sequence)

One workaround I’ve found is duplicating the actor or object track, playing the level, and then right-clicking the duplicated track and assigning the “same” actor again to the duplicated track, as it seems there are multiple ways the objects are being referenced, depending on mode:

When I hit “play” to simulate the level in the editor, the object animates as expected!!
and the valid and missing objects can be seen reversing in the level sequence:

Not entirely sure what’s going on there, but duplicating the tracks resolved the issue for me, in that the sequence now correctly plays in both editing and playing modes. Does emit a console error though. And you will have to make sure you keep both tracks in sync, so it will add more work… Hope to see a better workaround or fix soon. :sweat_smile:

It worked for me thank you : D

Did anyone still has this problem. Setting “IsSpatialyLoaded” and duplication trick didn’t work for me. So I am stuck with objects not being animated in the sequence :frowning:

The only thing that fixed it for me was to remove objects that are bound in the sequence completely from any data layer and grid, as well as unticking the “spatially loaded” option.

Everything else resulted in the sequence not finding the bound objects (no matter the state of the spatially loaded option or grid or whatever).

Seems like they broke that thing :sweat_smile:

Best regards,
Bagpack Games

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This problem has been fixed in 5.2 main branch (See issue below) and the title explains why the object bound was missing.
‘When looking for the cell that contains a subobject in the world partition level streaming policy, use the runtime hash in the world partition as the outer instead of the world partition itself.’

I migrate it to 5.1.0 version and it works fine for me.

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