Level Auto Deleted !!!

Hello, I encountered a problem with a project that I had been working on for a while,
the problem is my level got deleted after UE 5.1 crash, my level is existing in the project files but not shown in UE .
tried copying Autosaved maps to the Content folder also the Autosaved level won’t show in UE .
The errors in the Output Log :
LogAssetRegistry: Error: Package ***/Content/maps/HIMA.umap has malformed tag
LogAssetRegistry: Error: Package /Content/maps/IMA_Auto2.umap has malformed tag
LogAssetRegistry: Warning: Cannot read AssetRegistry Data in J:/
/Content/maps/HIMA_Auto1.umap, skipping it. Error: SerializeNameMapInvalidName.

any help would be appreciated

Have you tried renaming the auto map?