Let us press "Add to Library" on the search results page on Fab

I’m currently trying to claim all of the free Megascans assets on Fab while I still can, currently I have to click on each individual asset’s page in order to add it to my library and for 2307 assets it’s going to take a long time.

I would love a faster way to do this, maybe by letting us add assets to our libraries in the search results page so that we don’t have to click into each asset.

Or Alternatively maybe provide a pack with all MegaScans assets inside so that it can be done in one click.

Hi there. Don’t feel rushed - you’ve got time.

  • All Megascans are now available for free on Bridge and Quixel.com under the Epic Content License, until Fab launches. If you wish to get new Megascans, any points balance that you have will not be impacted.
  • All Megascans will be free until the end of 2024 under Fab’s Standard License.
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Hi there,
I have a question.

If I subscribe to the current free Indie Subscription and add megascans to my library,
1 - will those be free in FAB for me to use?
2 - what license will they be under (both in Quixel and FAB)?

Separate question:

  • Regarding all currently available Quixel assets that are currently free for the time being, also be free for FAB when it launches and in the years after that (aka past 2025) - but only the new assets paid?

Sorry for asking here,
Didn’t find something that cleared that up for me 100% really.
Thanks in advance,

I mentioned this in the other thread as well - but I want to reiterate that making every user re-acquire assets one-by-one when Fab launches is crazy and is not an acceptable way to do this rollout. It is also a sort of legal/licensing disaster as well since Epic had already granted UE free-license users access to the entire Quixel Library for use in their projects, and will now be clawing those back (even if they were already acquired by free license users) according to the current phrasing in the announcement by making users using Quixel under the UE terms “acquire them anew” instead of transferring their acquired assets over to Fab.

Can we please get some clarification about what already-acquired assets used under the free UE License terms will be transferred to Fab accounts?

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Hi @VisualChris - if you subscribe to the Indie subscription on Quixel and add Megascans to your library:

  1. They will become part of your library of acquired assets on Bridge and Quixel.com. You will continue to have access to them via Bridge and Quixel.com for the foreseeable future. Once Fab has launched, they will not appear in your Fab library, but you will be able to find them on Fab and add them to your Fab library.
  2. If you acquire them prior to Fab launching, they’ll be available to you under the terms of the Epic Content License. If you find them on Fab and download them or add them to your library, they’ll be available to you under the Fab Standard License terms.

The important thing to remember is that whatever terms you download something under are the terms that apply to it forever. If you download something under new license terms (e.g., on Fab), those new terms will apply.

And to your question about free/paid Quixel assets:
Currently, the entire Quixel library is free on Quixel Bridge - Manage 3D content and export with one click under the Epic Content License. When Fab launches, the entire Quixel library on Fab will be available for free under Fab’s Standard License. Starting in 2025, most of the Quixel library on Fab will be available for purchase, with some items still being available for free.

We’re planning some updates to the Megascans library that should make things even more :sparkles: than they already are. More on that soon, I hope. :slight_smile:

I hope that’s clear. Please let me know if you have additional questions or if there’s anything I can clarify.

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This sounds like a good solution - except that the announcement is already getting in front of this with a plan to discontinue those:

Hi @Krabworks . Thanks for posting. You will still have access to all your past acquisitions on Bridge and Quixel.com. If you would like the assets that you’ve acquired for free via Unreal Engine, Bridge or Quixel.com to appear in your Fab library (once Fab is launched, of course), you will need to add them to your library.

Thanks for this follow-up. I do not like the approach Epic has taken with this, but am happy to have clarity on exactly what is being done so that we can plan accordingly. Cheers

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Yes, we will give notice in advance of any changes related Bridge or Quixel.com.

I would also love a filter for assets that are already in my library, so that I can hide assets that I’ve already claimed.

Also being able to open pages in a new tab would be great but I assume we’ll get tab support once Fab is released and useable in a web browser.

hi Abby. what means “you will need to add them to your library”? For example, right now, i select a megascans asset, lets say a military equipment box, so i have it in my UE Vault but not dowloaded at this moment until i will need it. After mid october, will i have all my megascans vault content (downloaded or not) accessible in fab? Otherwise, if i have to download all my vault to my library in order to access in fab, i should need a factory of SSDs to save them!
PS. All assets i got for free in UE along these years from marketplace montly gifts, will still have them in fab? Assets compatibility with UE 4.27 will keep it in fab? Thank you in advance for your help (and patience!)

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Considering there are almost 19k assets, would it be possible for Epic to create a Bundle with all megascan assets, that when purchased would mark all megascan assets as purchased, available only until the end of 2024?

This would make it easier for users, and would save Epic server bandwidth and operational costs, since it would process a single transaction instead of multiple.
Good for everyone.


Hi @AndresMuriel . All UE products acquired from UE Marketplace will be available in the UE Vault. If any of those previously acquired products has been published on Fab, they will also be available in your Fab account under ‘My Library’.

Hey Abby!, I have a question… Will my over 10k acquired Quixel Megascans content be available for me next year? Like I want to know if I can use it for free since I acquired everything early

Hello @skfabby , the ‘standard licence’ is often mentionned for FAB, by that does that mean that now there is a commercial licence for all assets ? If so do game creator will have to repurchase their megascan in commerical licence to be able to use them in a commercial video game

Hey there @sthx07041 . We’ve put together a Q&A regarding Quixel content - where it will live, how you can use it, etc.: https://support.fab.com/s/article/Fab-Transition-FAQs

Everything you have acquired on Quixel.com or Bridge will continue to be available to you on Quixel.com and Bridge after Fab launches. Your Megascans may also appear on Fab [if you acquired them under a paid Quixel subscription plan].

@FreePotatoe the Fab Standard license will cover both commercial and non-commercial use of assets.

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Great to know, especially the second point clears up a lot!

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@skfabby Can i just clear one thing up?

I’ve clicked the claim all button for quixel assets on fab.

Do I now need to go and Add to my library for each individual item before 2025?

Also, do I need to download all the assets to a local harddrive or does claiming and adding to my library suffice for me to own and use them all come 2025?

What is the difference between claiming everything, adding to library and downloading? Do we need to do all 3?

I feel like those are the questions that will clear everything up for everyone because right now everyone is typing away like headless chickens buying hard drives and using scripts to automate the process


You don’t need to download all the claimed assets to a local hard drive. Once claimed before the end of 2025 means they are yours to use and download forever as needed. After 2025 starts, all claimed assets will still be your to use and download as needed…only new ones after 2025 starts will be charged for, besides random free ones that will appear over time. Anyone who hasn’t claimed the entire catalogue before 2025 will then need to pay for those once 2025 starts.

Hi Abby. Your quixel.com/Bridge link now auto re-directs to Quixel.com.

Where can this magic button be found please? I’ve already secured assets under the Epic Content License, I’d like to populate them into Fab as it appears Epic intends to kill Quixel/Bridge in the near future. Cheers.

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