Let objects push the character

Yes, I am enclosing them in a box shape, each side moves towards the center, eventually smashing the player. Using a trigger seems unreliable as I do not have a constant speed at which the walls are moving, and the walls are also able to move outwards (rather than inwards) in order to reward the player.

By no constant speed do you mean that all the walls are moving at different times and intervals on purpose.

Or is there a bug that’s making one slower than the other?

~ Jason

They are closing at a constant speed, and when the player achieves the objective inside of the walls, the walls lerp to an opening speed, and then switch back to the closing speed.

OK, you know what I’m just going to make my own.

I’ll see if I get a similar problem with my setup.

~ Jason

It would be great if we could get a dev to look into this, it’s a frustrating limitation that’s hard to workaround. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

Sorry for digging out this thread, but I also have this problem:

Up works without problem:

But if I push a character to a side it looks like this:

I have the same problem, help!

Instead of reviving a 5 year old post, why didn’t you make your own?

Have either of you solved this issue yet or do you both still need help?

It probably would be a good idea to create your own threads in one of the development sections if you still need help.

If you are using C++, and don’t mind dirty trick, then try edit your character.cpp. Find your “MoveForward(float Value)”
Edit “AddMoveMentInput(Direction, Value)”, to “Value+0.0001”. (Or something smaller)
I believe if this “Value” is not zero, it force to evalue collision every frame.
Yes, this will move your character a bit forward overtime, but you keep it small enought, you probably won’t notice it.

I’m having exactly this same problem. It puzzles me how such a common situation doesn’t have a built in solution. In my case, I have this blocks coming out from the walls and I want them to push the player. The movement is very jerky, and to make it to work in an almost acceptable way, I had to make big collision boxes on the blocks (which is not viable).

There’s another active thread with around 5 different solutions.

Could you please point me to it? Hard to find it because I don’t know exactly what to search for. I bumped into this thread while looking for something completely different.

You aren’t Wong. The title is anything but descriptive.

Agreed, ok I changed it to something more suitable.

Agreed, this seems to be a very common problem, and as it was pointed out to me it seems to mainly be because of the shape of the capsule component, as the capsule is a cylinder which has domes on both ends. What seems to happen is the moving colliders have to reach the exact center of the bottom of the capsule of the player that is standing on the ground, when this happens it seems the player is pushed out of the overlap in a very herky jerky way, and not smoothly as soon as “any” of the capsule compenent overlaps. Trying to find a solution. Moving wall / cube pushes player in steps and not smoothly, how to fix?