Lerp Scratch Grime

There is a new Material Function called LerpScratchGrime that takes a number of Vector 3 inputs to add scrataches and grime to transparent glass materials.

Has anyone used this yet?

What exactly should I be using for inputs? In my case using the default RTX Glass Material in UE 5.1

Hey there @eco_bach2! I haven’t used the node itself, So let’s first take a look at the node first.

Seems straight forward enough in this case.

So basically you have your base color (or texture) that does not carry alpha data since it’s a vector 3 so you’ll have to pass that across on your own.

The scratch/grime value is where you’re going to plug in the scratch/grime texture base color itself, and the mask should be the alpha from that texture (or in my example a mask from a color since mine had no alpha) and likely divide it down to a reasonable opacity.


(apologies didn’t have scratches on hand so there’s dots).