Lerp / blend nodes with material functions don't work

The lerp and blend nodes are broken when used with material functions. When alpha equals to 1, the node returns the input “A” instead of the input “B”.

1 - Steps to Reproduce

In a new project (4.25 ONLY), create a two material function that return two different color (ex: one for red and one for green). Drag and drop these 2 material functions in a new material. Attach a lerp node (ex: green on “A”, red on “B”) and set the “Alpha” to 1.

2 - Results

With an alpha equals to 1, the lerp node returns the color of the material function connected to the input “A”.

3 - Expected

With an alpha equals to 1, the lerp node should return the color of the material function connected to the input “B”.

See this image with preview nodes :

As you can see, the result at the top is green isteand of red.

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It seems bugged on the new 4.25 version, so I made a bug report.
Use constant instead of parameter as workaround in the meanwhile.

In 4.25.1 not working on color nodes!

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ok, I found what I did wrong: I forgot changing the parameter name! They were all called baseColor, so the Blueprint system used the first value. The second blue node was an illusion, it was never used! Pretty dumb, I’m new to Blueprint :slight_smile:

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This is working fine and always has, OP forgot to switch on Live Update; or does not know about it:

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I copy/paste the color node without changing the name, thus BP system takes them as one variable and never uses the other node. Therefore, Lerp 2 inputs are actually the same value. That’s my problem.
Thanks anyway.

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I was responding to Zbluu, really. But I get what you’re saying about copy/paste. Been there / done that :slight_smile:

but I can’t find it in material editor. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Can I find this node in material function editor?