Cannot launch edit session for project intended to launch with new season. Fails out with a cook failure;

[2024.08.16-20.53.33:808][382]LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Cancel for b9e9c58d-45a2-d62d-77b6-688093ad3871 - Content (re)cook error errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure.

The project was uploaded and unlisted during 30.40, tested and prepared to launch (Private Version Code 3906-8483-6804 ). With 31.00 clients cannot connect and play the map.

I have fixed all validation issues for all assets in the project (ctrl-a all assets and run validation runs clean), I have also speculatively tested deleting all niagara assets, neither resolves the issue. Waiting on a fix from Epic to get this project out.