Launcher display two time the same project

Hi after creating some project i switched the default path:

C:\Documents and Settings\XXXX\Documents\Unreal Projects\

C:\Users\XXXX\Documents\Unreal Projects\

These two paths target the same folder / project and this problem cause a duplication of all projects

As you can see the black multiplayer shootout isn’t concerned by this because it’s in other folder
Do you have a solution to remove those duplicated paths projects

The easiest thing to do would be to temporarily move them to another folder, delete all the project links in the launcher and them add them back since they aren’t numerous at all in your case.
I don’t think something can be done in this case using the launcher itself.

Hi grabthar,

It looks like you have 2 separate file paths that lead to 2 separate project folders and the Launcher is picking up both of them. If you hover your mouse over both of the MyProject’s you will see their file paths.

If that isn’t the case, are you using some sort of redirecting software?

You can try philolo65’s suggestion below but I would copy the projects instead of moving them. Let us know if it fixes the issue or not.

Hello dear Tj Ballard dear philolo65.

First of all thank you so much for your answers :slight_smile:

I have 2 paths but i have a single project folder

The document and settings is hidden by default BUT I can see all my files without using redirecting software

Below the steps to show them (sorry for french language on pic :s )


A new window appear


Now you can create a new project with C:\Documents and Settings\XXXXXX\Documents\Unreal Projects

PS: moving the file don’t solve the problem
I mark as solved but the problem remains. Now I use C:\Unreal Projects

Try going back into the Folder Options and re-enable ‘Hide protected operating system files’. Then restart the Launcher.

That solve the problem, the project launcher was empty, to fix this i create a dummy project and tada! thank you TJ
PS:However, I wonder if this is not a launcher problem double path for one project :wink: