Hello My launcher keeps crashing.
I tried installing UE4 on another PC and transfering it on my and the launcher still keeps crashing.
My dx diag is here in case you need it.
I bought the product and now i cannot use it
link text
Same problem.
Hi ,
Thank you for your report. Could you please retrieve the Launcher crash report and post it here? It is located here (Replace with your windows user name): C:\Users\AppData\Local\UnrealEngineLauncher\Saved\Logs
At what point does it crash? When you run the launcher or when you attempt to download UE4?
Hi BrianChild,
Hmm that log looks suspiciously like the bug reported here:
Would it be possible to zip up the the .dmp files from your Saved\Logs folder? You can also try the fix detailed there (just remember to subscribe or remove the commandline argument after you verify).
Hi SirNikkolas,
This looks slightly different than BrainChild’s problem, would it be possible to post any dumps in your log folder, and possibly check to see if there’s a newer more complete log in that folder?
Log file open, 03/20/14 18:40:53
LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘PakFile’ not found - it’s StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogInit: Version: 4.0.1-2028188+++depot+UE4-LauncherReleases
LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): Mar 17 2014 14:23:19
LogInit: Build Configuration: Shipping
LogInit: Branch Name: ++depot+UE4-LauncherReleases
LogInit: Command line: “F:\Unreal Engine\Launcher\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEngineLauncher.exe” -SaveToUserDir
LogInit: Base directory: F:/Unreal Engine/Launcher/Engine/Binaries/Win64/
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:555][ 0]LogTaskGraph: Started task graph with 2 named threads and 4 total threads.
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:575][ 0]LogInit: Presizing for 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:575][ 0]LogInit: Object subsystem initialized
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:575][ 0]LogInit: Computer: -PC
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:576][ 0]LogInit: User:
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:576][ 0]LogInit: CPU Page size=4096, Cores=4
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:576][ 0]LogInit: High frequency timer resolution =2.922958 MHz
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:576][ 0]LogInit: Memory total: Physical=7.9GB (8GB approx) Pagefile=8184.1GB Virtual=8192.0GB
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:576][ 0]LogTaskGraph: Started task graph with 2 named threads and 4 total threads.
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:809][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file ‘…/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/Common/Selector.png’ error.
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:809][ 0]LogSlateD3D: Could not find file for Slate resource: …/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/Common/Selector.png
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:809][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file ‘…/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/Common/Selection.png’ error.
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:809][ 0]LogSlateD3D: Could not find file for Slate resource: …/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/Common/Selection.png
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:809][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file ‘…/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/Common/Selection.png’ error.
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:809][ 0]LogSlateD3D: Could not find file for Slate resource: …/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/Common/Selection.png
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:809][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file ‘…/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/Common/Selection.png’ error.
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:809][ 0]LogSlateD3D: Could not find file for Slate resource: …/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/Common/Selection.png
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:809][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file ‘…/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/Common/Selection.png’ error.
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:809][ 0]LogSlateD3D: Could not find file for Slate resource: …/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/Common/Selection.png
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:809][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file ‘…/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/Common/Selection.png’ error.
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:809][ 0]LogSlateD3D: Could not find file for Slate resource: …/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/Common/Selection.png
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:809][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file ‘…/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/Common/Selection.png’ error.
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:809][ 0]LogSlateD3D: Could not find file for Slate resource: …/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/Common/Selection.png
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:810][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file ‘…/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/UI/UserCard/Box_0Round.png’ error.
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:810][ 0]LogSlateD3D: Could not find file for Slate resource: …/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/UI/UserCard/Box_0Round.png
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:810][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file ‘…/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/UI/UserCard/Box_0Round.png’ error.
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:810][ 0]LogSlateD3D: Could not find file for Slate resource: …/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/UI/UserCard/Box_0Round.png
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:811][ 0]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to read file ‘…/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/UI/HyperlinkDotted.png’ error.
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:811][ 0]LogSlateD3D: Could not find file for Slate resource: …/…/…/Engine/Programs/NoRedist/UnrealEngineLauncher/Content/UI/HyperlinkDotted.png
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:817][ 0]WinPlatform: User is admin: true
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:817][ 0]WinPlatform: Process ran as admin: true
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:817][ 0]WinPlatform: Process is elevated: true
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:817][ 0]WinPlatform: Process integrity level: High
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:839][ 0]FCommunityPortalOSS::InitialiseOSS
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:840][ 0]FCommunityPortalManager: Change State CPManagerState_Init->CPManagerState_SelfPatching
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:855][ 0]FCommunityPortalUpdater: Change State UpdaterState_Init->UpdaterState_CheckForUpdate
[2014.03.20-22.40.53:871][ 0]FCommunityPortalOSS::RequestSelfPatchEntitlements
[2014.03.20-22.40.55:035][ 0]FCommunityPortalOSS::OnEnumerateFilesComplete - TRUE - 42 files
[2014.03.20-22.40.55:065][ 0]FCommunityPortalUpdater: Change State UpdaterState_CheckForUpdate->UpdaterState_HasLatest
[2014.03.20-22.40.55:065][ 0]FCommunityPortalManager: Change State CPManagerState_SelfPatching->CPManagerState_UserLogin
[2014.03.20-22.40.55:089][ 0]LogSlateStyle:Warning: Unable to find Slate Widget Style ‘LoginPage.CapsLockOn’. Using FTextBlockStyle defaults instead.
[2014.03.20-22.40.55:161][ 0]LogWindows: === Critical error: ===
[2014.03.20-22.40.55:161][ 0]LogWindows: Fatal error!
[2014.03.20-22.40.55:161][ 0]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
[2014.03.20-22.40.55:161][ 0]LogExit: Exiting.
[2014.03.20-22.40.55:161][ 0]Log file closed, 03/20/14 18:40:55
Whenever i open the launcher either to download UE4 or when i try running it(the already installed version that i copied from another PC), it does the same thing. I open the launcher, a black box appears for around 1sec and then Soluto tells me it crashed.
i posted the report down below. thank you for your help
link text
I am getting this same error. I attached my log file here.
omg thank you so much carlos it works now !
I don’t see any dumps in that folder. I just relaunched the launcher and tried to start it. This is my latest log file here.
I just read that his is crashing in the launcher. My launcher is working fine, but when I press “Launch” the Crash Reporter pops up. It is saying UE4Editor-Cmd.exe has crashed.
Thanks! Hmm, ahh does it crash when you try to load the Editor? If so, can you post the dump and logs from the c:\users\YOUR_USER\appdata\local\unrealengine\saved\local directory?
Apologies! It should be in the appdata\local\unrealengine\4.0\saved\logs directory.
I just looked in that directory and all I have in the *\unrealengine folder is “4.0”. I do not have a unrealengine\saved directory. And yes. I have tried running it from the launcher, and going into the unreal folder and launching the editor directly. Both ways ended in a crash.
I checked there too. In the 4.0 folder I have “Config, crash-reports, and launcher” In the crash-reports folder there is a “pending-reports.json” file. In the launcher folder there was a ULP and in Config/windows there was a cfg file. Is there a command argument that I have to use to generate it? Also what are the .dmp files named and I can try a search for them.
Edit: Ok so I was able to force a Dump file by going to my backup/contentexamples and happened to find one here. I attached it below. I also attached the ContentExamples log as well.
Hmm, that’s super helpful! It looks like it failed to load one of our modules at editor startup, can you try clicking “Verify” in the Launcher? Have you ever run the editor successfully? Can you post your dxdiag?
I have tried clicking “Verify” It goes through the verification process, and then says “Ready”. Launching it still crashes it before anything really pops up. I am seeing the Unreal Editor loading box pop up for about a second before it crashes. I have not run the editor successfully yet. I have run UDK before though and Unity with no problem. Here is my dxdiag log. Thanks for the help so far!
It seems that my video card is not suitable, I thought I’d try it but the specs they recommend are the min specs I think.
[2014.03.21-13.16.08:772][ 0]LogRHI:Warning: OpenGL debug output extension not supported!
[2014.03.21-13.16.08:772][ 0]LogRHI:Warning: OpenGL debug output extension not supported!
[2014.03.21-13.16.08:797][ 0]LogRHI: Initializing OpenGL RHI
The window looks like one big normal map.
21-03-14 15:10:15,933 UnrealEngineLauncher-Mac-Shipping[1009]: Could not connect the action OnEULAAccepted: to target of class UE4AppDelegate
21-03-14 15:10:16,592 UnrealEngineLauncher-Mac-Shipping[1009]: invalid drawable
Carlos, I found all of my log files. said that they could be located in a separate folder: "I’d forgotten about a bug fix which just missed our first release causing the logs to be saved in the wrong place. Could you check in C:\ProgramData\Epic\Engine\Saved\Logs?
Herethey are. I had to delete some because the .zip was too big. If you need me to get a fresh, updated dump file, let me know and I’ll re run it.