Launch with -LogCmds="LogOnline Verbose" or -ini:Engine:[Core.Log]:LogOnline=Verbose does not work

I’m trying to launch the game with arguments for enabling or not the verbosity of the logs.

I’ve tried with -LogCmds=“…” or -ini:File[Section]Key=Value and both do not work.

LogInit: Command Line: ksgm -id=XXXXXXXX -pass=xxxxxxxx -game -LogCmds=“LogOnline Verbose, LogOnlineSession Verbose, LogNet Verbose” -log=DebugClient.log


LogInit: Command Line: ksgm -id=XXXXXXXX -pass=xxxxxxxx -game -ini:Engine:[Core.Log]:LogOnline=Verbose -ini:Engine:[Core.Log]:LogOnlineSession=Verbose -ini:Engine:[Core.Log]:LogNet=Verbose -log=DebugClient.log

This is for a shipping build.

If I modify directly the Engine.ini which is located in %appdata%/Local/KSGM/Saved/Config/WindowsClient
and add the core.log section


It works, the log verbosity is changed within the log file.

If I try to launch a debug version within VS2022 with these arguments, it works, the verbosity is changed.

Is there something wrong ?

Txs for your help.

Both methods you are trying to use are disabled in shipping builds.

To have them work you’d have to modify engine source or re-implement them in project code by parsing cmdline arguments…

For -LogCmds, refer to ProcessConfigAndCommandLine in LogSuppressionInterface.cpp

For -ini overrides, refer to FConfigFile::OverrideFromCommandline in FConfigCacheIni.h

For the latter you could try setting global def ALLOW_INI_OVERRIDE_FROM_COMMANDLINE=1 from .cs file, but I’m not sure that’d work since the builtin define doesn’t have a #ifndef check, so it’ll likely just throw a compile error.

Txs for your response.

I’ll implement such functionality on the project, if the ALLOW_INI_OVERRIDE_FROM_COMMANDLINE has no effect in shipping build.

Have a nice day,

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