Last month earnings got erased because apparently I didn't reach 100$ threshold in last 12 months, even tho I've earned much more out of uefn


Couple days ago I got an email that my earnings were reset because I didn’t reach 100$ threshold in the last 12 months, at first I though they were talking about SAC program and didn’t think much about it. However today, I finally noticed that my uefn earnings are erased and they weren’t talking about SAC program, once again I’ve earned more than 100$ from uefn through out last 12 months so I don’t understand why my July earnings were taken from me and I think epic should investigate this as soon as possible, that’s why I’m publishing this post. I’ve tried contacting support about this too, however they were not able to help.

Please select what you are reporting on:


What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

This is not reproducible ( I guess)

Expected Result

Find out why 92$ dollars were reseted and erased from my earnings and give them back to me as soon as possible

Observed Result

Fix this issue (Find out why 92$ dollars were reseted and erased from my earnings and give them back to me as soon as possible)



Something funny is going on…
In January my earnings from last year resetted, was only about ten bucks.
July I should have generated over $100, but it only counted the 2 months prior, April & May I think it was, which came to about $66.
Right now its counting only Jun and July and is only giving me $33 towards my $100 threshold.
In my case it feels like the yearly threshold is only counting the 2 months prior, which is keeping me under $100

I really want to justify getting a decent used graphics card, so I can record some gameplay in something better than performance mode.

hi @Hardcawcanary @SubtoC4CTUS ,

Things have indeed changed and they are documented in the document
Engagement Payout | Fortnite Creative Documentation

These changes are similar to the alignment of selling on FAB.

The new EULA for FAB which is accessed from UEFN and Unreal Marketplace is being replaced by FAB.

Everything payment is going to Hyperwallet.
Looks like Epic is reviewing every payment method is being reviewed.
Perhaps the new payment algorithm is broken.
Seems like the end-of-month accounting assumes payment was made and zero the accounts
This algorithm does NOT take into account the fact that no payment is below $100.

Epic is having problems with setting up tax accounts on Hyperwallets because each country has different tax deductions.

Every seller/payment receiver has to update their old Hyperwallet tax profile
@Hardcawcanary update found this bizarre YouTube video

Fortnite CREATOR PAYOUTS Have Changed FOREVER… - YouTube

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Did this ever get resolved? I’m seeing a similar issue, if I go to Fab>Publish>Sales Reports and set the criteria to see all sales in the last few months, that total does NOT match the total under payouts>current earning balance.

Under monthly reports I only see “November 2024” , and THAT month alone matches my current earnings balance, yet if I go under sales > Filter for the month of December alone, it hasn’t added that money to my account or generated a monthly sales report?

Try contacting support, for me at least it got resolved :slight_smile: