I’ve been playing around with auto foliage on my computer and managed to get it working nicely, gone onto another computer and done the same thing and just can’t get foliage to auto spawn even using the same files/blueprints. Not sure if its some setting im missing that isn’t turned on or what, but if anyone is able to give any insight to my issue that would be great.
Below is the process i’ve gone through to set up the foliage to spawn, currently im not fussed where it spawns, so long as i can get it spawning. Just wont spawn for me at all.
I’ve done this all on UE4 4.16.3, even upgraded to 4.17.2 to test and been getting the same issue.
as for as i can tell, there shouldnt be anything wrong with what i’ve done, but happy to hear or try anything to get this working on my comp. Just been mega frustrating getting it working on one computer, but not working on my main computer where i plan on doing my work.
Appreciate any help,