Landscape Weird Shadow Problem in UE5

Hello guys, I have some creepy shadows in my landscape mountain.
I used both a basic brush and an alpha brush to make a mountain. I have shadow problems
with them. This is my main problem.

I want to ask another thing.
I realized a landscape LOD stuff in my landscape? I mean, when I approach the mountain, it becomes sharper and cornered, is it okay?

I uploaded an explanation video to give you a better understanding about my problem.

Thanks and have a good day!


Hello Clinker,

If you select your directional light and disable ‘Cast Raytraced Shadows’ does that fix this? ( Fixing the Ugly Shadow Issues in Unreal Engine 5 - YouTube )

Landscape does have some ‘auto-tessellation’ (Tessellation was removed from UE5 so I’m unsure if this is the right term) but I’d imagine it getting sharper when moving away. You could turn on wireframe view mode to get a better idea of how the geometry is morphing.



Hello Astrotronic,
Firstly, thank you for your respond and time.

I tried to change ray traced shadow settings in both direction light and project settings.
However, I cant change these settings because the buttons and check area are inactive.
I cant change them.
Is it because the “hardware ray tracing” thing?



I watched the video you send me, I tried the console command and other solutions. But it did not solved :frowning:

Hmm, you said you used both basic and alpha brushes. Do you still see this shadow problem if you sculpt a landscape with only basic brushes? (Or what if you only use Alpha Brushes?)

Also I see that your video mentions 5.0.2, upgrading to 5.0.3 might be worth a try.


When I tried to activate hardware ray tracing, my problem is solved like 80%.
Shadow is not smooth perfectly but it’s so much better than before.


Dont know about 5. In 4, it was cascade that produced this effect.
You Probably disable cascade if in raytrace either way
 but its worth a look just in case it isn’t.

Hey- had similar shadow and LOD looking like issues with landscapes, when you use lumen and your landscape is too small in Section Size when creating.
If you want to have smaller landscape, change the number of components of the landscape and not it’s section size- I’d prefer to not go lower than 63x63 quads.
Reason for that could be how lumen works. It requires more polygons to shadow properly.
The video I posted is a quick comparison of what happens.
UE5 Lumen shadowing artifacts when Landscape Quads are too small.

Hope it helps!


Thank you :))

Hi. A solution to modify existing low-res landscape to proper resolution retaining your sculpting work:

you can export a height map from the landscape tool (sculpt tab- layers-right click on height map-export) while having selected the current landscape. Then create a new landscape with correct resolution this time and use the height map to create the sculpt of your landscape. It should be 100% same as from your original landscape, you don’t have to resculpt anything. then apply the material from your original landscape and now you got yourself a fixed landscape and lumen/raytracing shadows all work correctly.


Hola a todos, sorry, i dont speak english, but i want to help ;-).

  1. Go to «DirectionalLigth» source light
  2. 40000(maximum) for the «Dynamic Shadow Distance MovableLight»
    its works for me. good luck !
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