it’s giving me a no layer info assigned error, maybe it’s a naming conflict between the hole material and the main material? can’t pick up on the layer blend on the hole material because it has the same names as the main material? When I assign a new layer info and try to paint it just makes more black
“This layer has no layer info assigned yet. You must create or assign a layer info before you can paint this layer.”
Ok, here’s a new test. Try making a copy of the original material and take out the visibility mask. Use the original material as your hole material and use the second material as your normal layer painting. Does this still occur?
Here it is with a new material, again splat textured from world machine, but I turned off the normal maps and now you can see a little bit of the material poking through in red. This method is adding the visibility mask to the base material and setting it to both landscape and hole.
Here’s a closeup of the texturing showing through and where it’s coming from, it’s a lerp overlay of a sediment layer that’s downstream from the layer blend
To make the white appear, I simply punched a constant3 into the base color and it works, the only thing left is the layer blend… if you want I can send you a copy of the assets, I’ll try and narrow it down a bit as well
I rebuilt the scene as simply as possible using only 2 splat maps for the layer blend and a bunch of constant3’s for color and the results were the same
Just make that the material for your hole texture and voila, blackness… bypass the layer blend and go straight from the color into the base color and it works as desired, but if a layer blend is anywhere in your material it will make those sections black
I was able to get your visibility mask to correctly render on my end by replacing your landscape hole material with the GroundMat_Test that you were using in your original material. I also noticed you did not have any weight blended layers set up in this, which may have been lending towards the landscape. So put the GroundMat_Test with landscape visibility mask in both the material and the hole material for the landscape slots and see if that fixes your error.
Not quite, with some effort I could paint on the weighted area and paint a hole into it, but it would never pick up on the layer blend materials from the splat masking height blend it stayed black until I painted one of the layers into the square, and then instead of black I would get just that color, not the results of the blended layers
I’ve attached a test landscape material that on my end seems to be working, try it by adding it to both the landscape material and hole material slot and then setting all three layers to weight blended. If this is not working please let me know.
Same problem, it will allow you to put colors on there… manually, by painting them on afterwards, but it’s completely ignoring the effect of the splat map, so any zone that you have a hole in, would have to be manually painted back by scratch
With the default settings included in the download
I tried it on the default content (landscape) and it was working as expected, the only real difference is that it’s an instance, instead of a regular material, I’m wondering if that may have something to do with it