landscape shadows are jagged, and sometimes worse???

landscape shadows are Jagged and flickery, it gets better if the windows isn’t docked

Am I doing something wrong I just started learning UE5 a few days ago

Not sure why they’re flickering. But the jaggedness is what’s known as the “shadow terminator” problem. It exists in basically all 3D software to some extent when using smooth shading.
It’s a little hard to explain if you’re unfamiliar with 3D rendering but the jist is that shadows are cast by polygons but shading is performed on a smoothed version of the surface. The smooth surface won’t always perfectly align with the shadow casting polygon.
The higher poly your mesh is, the less noticable these misalignments become. The less extreme the shape of your surface is, the less noticable it becomes. The misalignment causes the surface to cast a shadow on itself in the slightly wrong spot, creating ugly, blocky and jagged shadows.
You might try disabling virtual shadow maps in the project settings. They’re still in the early stages and are probably responsible for the issues.
Due to their high accuracy, they also seem more prone to shadow terminators to me.

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The tutorial I’m on mentioned about different landscape presets, I’m guessing that would change the poly count in landscape generation