Warning AttachTo: ‘/Game/LandscapeAutoMaterial/Maps/UEDPIE_0_Fly-By.Fly-By:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.RootComponent0’ is not static , cannot attach ‘/Game/LandscapeAutoMaterial/Maps/UEDPIE_0_Fly-By.Fly-By:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent_7952’ which is static to it. Aborting.
Did you ever workout what was going on with that error? I have the landscape auto material as well and the levels are having the same problem. They used to work, I don’t know what happened.
Years on and I’m getting the same issue, not sure what caused it, maybe after trying to enable nanite on my landscape which I disabled. I think if I could change the landscape’s rootcomponent to static it would fix it but the option is greyed out with a message saying that native components are editable when declared as a FProperty in C++, this is way over my head, as is the procedural grass system the level is using (It’s using the lookout tower asset from the marketplace).