Landscape material with water layer

Is it possible to use a waterlike layer in a landscape material? Fx by copying from the water material in the starter content. Im using import of layers via greyscale map on a real world map 1x1 km so need an easy way to kmport water to the rivers and ponds on the map.
Other solutions to import water map is also welcome.

Yup, you can just copy paste the shader graph from a water material into a landscape material, then hook it up with matlayer_blends or lerps using the sample as the alpha

Thanks a lot, I will try it soon. I understand it as that all the parameters to the original material can go through a matlayer blend node for each parameter like with normals and textures and then in to the landscape material.

yup, you can also just paste the water shader into a material function with material attributes as the output to bring into another material, which makes organizing the landscape material less spaghettified

Aha, did just read about material functions will try to use it. Can they work without input or maybe the input should be the coordinate node. Im a bit newbie to ue4:-). I suppose you mean the whole graph without the material node when you write shaders.

I got it working! Thanks Simsaladoo this will both help me for this task but its also an easy way to reuse materials for landscapes. I did also learn how to use more attributes as layers.
Thats really great. It took some time to get the input and output working the rest was quite forward:
I will come with examples of the results - although it will be a moss material instead of a water material, but it should be the same.
There is a result image, and the input and output part of the material function where I have used the starter content moss material.
In the moss material copy i had to replace Tex coord nodes with one input node 2D vector, which is the landscape coord. node input for the function.
The material node in the original is replaced by a MakeMaterialAttributes node that is connected to the OutputResult node. Which is split in a BreakMaterialAttributes node when I call the function and connect each node to the BlendLayer for each attribute in the landscape material.

