Landscape Material Tesselated Problem

Hello, I made a Landscape Material with Tesselation. In the Editor it works wonderfull but in “Viewport Play” it start flikkering.
Someone have a idea why this happens ?

Greez DarkSoe

No one can help ?


I do have a couple of suggestions that could resolve your issue.

Try deleting the Tessellation Multiplier section and replacing it with a constant vector to see if that gets rid of the flickering. By default Landscape have tesselation

Also, your World Displacement needs to be using/referencing Vertex Normals since you are displacing the normals of the material :slight_smile:

Let me know if both of these suggestions were helpful or if you need further assistance. If you would like, you can create and AnswerHub post for this issue so if others have similar problems, they can easily find a solution.
