Landscape Grass Type Not Spawning in Certain Quad Sections

Any chance anyone can help me with this frustrating issue I’m having with my landscape grass type? Basically, it’s only spawning my grass when the viewport is in a certain location then when moving around it’s only spawning in one quad section. If I move to an area that it hasn’t spawned in and use the console command grass.flushcache it fixes that quad and stops working on all other areas of the landscape. So weird been driving me mad, if anyone can point me in the right direction to resolve this I’d really appreciate the help. Been struggling to find answers for this one.


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Okay, so I’ve found out that the cull distance will effect the amount of quad sections effected, by this annoying issue. If I increase the max cull distance to as high as it will go then it still does the same thing just over a larger space. I am using nanite on my grass so I’m not losing any major framerates but I just can’t for the life of me resolve this… Anyone have any suggestions

I’m having the exact same issue and can’t find help either!


Try typing grass.flushcache in the Console