Landscape Grass Type has incorrect Rotation when density is low

Grass Types can align to Landscape, which is especially useful in hilly terrain or near cliffs. It works perfectly when the density is high (aka lots of objects spawning), as seen here

However, when the Density is low, alignment no longer works correctly. Notice it with the cylinders close to the cliff i marked in red here.

This limits Landscape Grass to be used with only high density configurations. Would love to know if there’s a workaround or if a fix would be possible. Have submited a bug report a few months ago.

A 5.0 project for reproducing is attached.

Jan from RealBiomes

Landscape_Grass_Bug (1.4 MB)

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Yes, bizarre. I’d log it as a bug maybe.

I notice it doesn’t happen if you turn off ‘align to grid’…

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Indeed, it can fix this bug in some occasions.

However, it will introduce a new bug in other occasions, where it doesn’t align the Mesh to the slope at all in some areas.

Also have the same problem, really wish Epic would finally address this issue as its causing so many unecessary environment bugs and forcing us to employ awkward solutions…

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Bumping this to reference two feature requests for LGT/Landscape Grass Types that would be great for those building large natural worlds:
