The other day i finished the foliage part and tried following a light tutorial where I deleted the lights and added them back and I think originally put the wrong ones in cause then i had overlapping lights. but i deleted some lights and it was fine. (before everything was black)
But now: After I build lighting the landscape turns white.
There are two errors I get. (All of these are addressed at the same thing: InstancedFoliageActor_2: ) 1) The total lightmap size for this InstancedStaticMeshComponent is large, consider reducing lightmap resolution or number of mesh instances in this component. (I get this one 3 times).
2) Instanced meshed don’t yet support unique static lighting for each LOD. Lighting on LOD 1+ may be incorrect unless lightmap UV’s are the same for all LODs. (I get this one 5 times)
Now I originally painted all the foliage at once to keep level running efficient, but I don’t see any way to break them into separate groups? Also the landscape is pretty small I think to start with. I am not positive but I think the landscape is: 253x253: overall size in verts. 63 quads. 1 section component. 63x63 component size. 16 (4x4) total components. Or pretty close to this.
I am fairly new. Any help would be very appreciated. I have been trying to look up these issues online. I saw online I may need to set my lightmaps up, but I used the Kite demo and mainly that is all that is in the scene and I think that they would already be set up.
What can I do to fix the problem… ?? I am in a project, and need to turn in soon.