Landscape blurry/faded out in short distance/range (Even without material) (Texture streaming issue??)

Normal maps are already in my layer blend (Terrain material) and i tried changing the camera fov but that obviously doesnt change anything since its also happening in the editor without playing. :frowning:

I think at this point we need an expert or unreal engine developer here.

UPDATE!! I just figured something out!

With a static mesh its the same (In this case a cube)

Well then, how about doing some old-school game tricks? Block the view with objects. Make the player focus on the content which is closer near him rather than looking far.
Adding vertical content, even at the distance, can help too.

Are you saying i should use depth of field in a extreme setting?

Cuz i was planning to NOT use depth of field to be honest.

If this is not what youre talking about then i have no clue sorry

O i see what youre saying now…

Well thats what i was thinking… if i just implement allot of foliage then the ground wouldnt be as visible (Grass for example).

But then again… sooo much grass would drop the fps insanely, also i dont want grass everywhere.

Also there must be a fix for this right?

I mean in unity i didn’t have this problem so i dont get it.

But youre right!! Its only with horizontal objects/ landscapes so far.

What is your target device for packaging? Because in nature there is no such endless plane (except sometimes haha), maybe a low poly forest would do. I ask you this to know how much resoruces you can rely on. Of couse grass is resource-eating (but again, depending on the targeted platform) But perhaps some tall rocks, you can also change the height variation of the ground. Avoid going too planar with the terrain

The target is for windows.

I dont know how to post my dxdiag, since the text is to long to post but my hardware is:

Nvidia gtx 1060

ddr 3 16gb

intel i5 6500

What i am trying to make is definitely not a low poly but as high as possible poly.

And yes i tried to make for example: holes in the ground and then it doesnt look ugly from a distance.

But i dont get how for example ark, or pubg does it.

There is no ugliness in the distance of their landscapes.

I am trying to make a open world by the way.

see? this is not doable i have 14k grass and the fps drops from 120 to 50 ~60

imagine putting the whole landscape with foliage

UPDATE !!! I just googled the same problem for a different game engine, not gonna say any name!

And i tried it out with that game engine and it fixed it.

Guess what!!

It had to do with the anisoitropic settings.

Sadly it doesnt change anything to change that setting in the texture in unreal engine.

UPDATE: it does change it but only till a very limited distance…

Try using the TemporalAA. Also try using hair shading mode.

Now about FPS. How big is the texture of your field grass? Are you using LODs?

First of all i am already using temporalAA

Secondly i dont know what hair shading mode means/is. i am sorry.

Thirdly i thought i am just gonna make a screenshot of my grass settings.

Cuz yes its using lod’s

O by the way!! my grass is using a 1024 x 1024 texture

I am done with unreal engine…

If anyone knows a fix for this landscape stuff please let me know…

Cuz i know SOMEWHERE around there is someone that actually knows the fix.


In LOD settings change Minimum LODs from 0 to 2. This way, you will reduce resources by keeping the polycount per object low.
Also try decreasing your texture size to 512

Hello RealRenders,

Sorry for the late reply.

This is gonna sound very weird but i found out why i found my fps so terrible…

I had a 60 hz monitor today i got a 75 hz and its all fixed!!

Appearantly i see a very big difference in that :smiley:

Next question tho:

As soon as my game is in full screen my fps drops down like a maniac /