Landscape Baked Collision Not Working

A new feature of 4.11 is the option to “Bake Material Position Offset Into Collision” of a Landscape. Has anyone gotten this to work? My editor is getting stuck on “Building Grass Maps” (no change after 10 minutes).

Steps To Reproduce

Alright so I just tried it in a blank project and same problem. Here are the steps:

  1. Create 4.11 blank project with no starter content.
  2. Remove everything from the world (lights, skybox, etc.).
  3. (Optional) Create the material shown below and name it M_SineWave.
  4. Create a landscape with the settings as shown below. This should yield the wavy landscape in the bottom picture (wiregrid on the right).
  5. Select the landscape and in Details > Landscape select “Bake Material Position Offset Into Collision”. It should get stuck on “Building Grass Maps 4”.


Hi Turing Machine,

  • What steps are you taking to reproduce this on your end?
  • Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?

It seems to occur in a blank project as well. I’ve added steps to reproduce to my post.

I did some digging and have found that this is a known issue< UE-25359, and has already been fixed internally. please check our [Announcements and Releases][1] forum section for updates.


Ah okay thanks good to know. I couldn’t find anything when I searched. When you say “UE-25359” is there a way for me to see that?

At present we do not have a public bug tracker. However, if you post back here and request an update I’ll be happy to provide that information.