I’ve been trying to build a standardized way of connecting two IOS devices over wifi since 4.19. Back in 4.19, blueprint, “create session” and “join session” nodes worked just fine, but those broke with 4.20, and even after they were supposedly patched, they were still broken in 4.20.3. Now with 4.21, “create session” just fails, like it’s calling an empty function or something.
So I tried just finding the local MAC address of the host so I could just have players share that, and then enter it via a text box, which would use the blueprint execute console command “open level” or for whichever Mac address was shared visually. But the C++ function"GetMacAddress" is deprecated, and not working on IOS.
So here’s my question, how am I supposed to get two IOS devices that are sharing the same wifi to play with each other. I don’t care whether its C++ or blueprints, I just need something that works.
Yeah, you’re right about it being the IP, and not the MAC address, my mistake. But I can assure you that “create session” doesn’t work on IOS. I’ve had to spam it in the past to get it working, but as of 4.21, I’ve been unsuccessful with it.
I think you mean IP Address. is an IP address, not a MAC address.
Maybe you can get it to work if you focus on matching the IP address and not worry about MAC.
Also if there is no blueprint node to get your own IP address or fetch another, I think there are plugins that can do it.
However, I do think it’s strange that create session is not working. I have been able to both create and join sessions between an Android and PC, and do either one of those on both types of devices. I’m sure iOS must be able to do it too. However, I did notice that I very often have to turn off my Android’s wifi then turn it back on again before this will work. That’s annoying but not difficult to get past. I just wonder how to tell my users they’ll have to do that :\
Maybe you need to change your config files to use Online Subsystem NULL again, now that you’re using a new version?
So is your new UE4 engine project using Online Subsystem NULL? Also is the Use LAN checkbox checked on the Create and Join Session nodes?
I can manually find the IP in the OS settings and enter it into the text box I created, which connects both iOS devices, I’m just looking for a more professional, consumer facing way of doing this.
Hello there! How do you solve this problem, I am also using 4.21, but create session ande join session not work. I am new to network connection. Please forgive me for not understanding how to connect with IP
Is your config file where you set online subsystem set to use NULL online subsystem? I think you have to use that for LAN wifi to work. Create session works differently depending on which online subsystem your engine is configured to use.
yes! II have used NULL online subsystem.it’s work on pc.but not work on ios
Hmm. I don’t know. On my android device I have to launch game, turn the device’s wifi off, then turn it back on again, before it can Join Session. Not sure if that’s a glitch in Unreal or in the device.