LAN game cant see animations

Hey guys,
I have created a third person shooter, that has multiplayer LAN games. The games all work fine, the client can join the server and so forth. My only problem is that neither player can see the animations of the other. I used the Animation Starter Pack from the market, to use the crouch, prone and sprint features. But the other player cannot see them.
Please, any help would be greatly appreciated!!

did you replicate the mouvements?

Sorry I am pretty new to UE4… the “Replicate Movement” and “Replicates” boxes are both ticked under my charatcer

can you precise how you implemented the movements of your characters please?
are they triggered in a blueprint or are they in an anim class?

I followed this tutorial:

Sadly it doesn’t work out of the box, mate.

You need custom events that would tell the server that a player has done an action e.g. started crouching, and the server tell everyone else that , hey, this guy is crouching.

Try looking a tutorial on Networking.