Lag / rollback issue



I am experiencing significant lag on my Fortnite map, particularly in older lobbies. I am unsure of the cause, but I believe it is not related to Verse. My map’s memory usage is 98k, and I utilize Streaming and HLODs.

I would appreciate any insights on whether this issue is affecting others. Additionally, could the lag be linked to the guards device? I currently have 30 guards with infinite spawns, and the map supports up to 30 players.

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

enter old lobby

Expected Result

game should run smoothly

Observed Result

the server will be lagging and you will keep going back when you move



Island Code


I’ll see if I can get someone to take a look and let you know if we need more info.

Thank you!

We’ve found a temporary fix for the lag issue! After several attempts, we implemented a system to monitor server lifetime. Lag tends to occur in lobbies older than 2 hours and 30 minutes, and those older will continue to lag.

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