Knowledge Base: Filtering unwanted or selected mesh parts

RealityCapture creates watertight meshes during reconstruction and encloses volume also in the areas that are not covered with images. This can result as a closed cube or part of cube in your mesh. If you wish to find an…

Kind of related but a feature request I would like to make is

  1. After filtering out part of the mesh, e.g. a window, some kind of tool to clean up the geometry so the frame has clean borders without having to rely on third party applications.
    Alternatively a way to identify and mask windows before the data is aligned so all the floaters inside windows don’t get created throughout the processing stages. Technically I don’t know how this would work on large datasets but I’m sure there’s a solution to this problem that nobody seems to be addressing!

Hi Mr_Joshua_R,
there are already some tools for simplifying, smoothing and to close holes. These can be used to clean the geometry.
Regarding those windows, it is a good idea, but as there are different types of windows, it could be harder to implement as it seems. Also, the masks can be used already in RealityCapture.

That’s right those tools are available and I use them regularly. Maybe the tech isn’t quite ready yet :stuck_out_tongue: