Kite demo's Myrtle bushes : no wind

Hi all,

I’m currently using Kite Demo assets (grass, ferns, trees and bushes), and I have an issue with a particular one.
While trees, ferns and grass correctly reacts to the Wind parameter in scene, BogMyrtle don’t.
The material correctly has a SpeedTree node connected to World Position Offset, but no option has an effect.

I’ve tried reimport the asset and material but no result.

Any idea there ?
Thanks a lot.

Hello Teapot Creation,

I just tested this in my project. I saw the same thing where the myrtle was not reacting with it’s speed tree node. However, I added a WindDirectionalSource to the scene. You can type in wind in the modes panel when in Place Mode. Although the speedtree material is set up to receive wind, without a wind input itself then there is nothing for the material to react to.

You will then have to apply this to the billboard material and then subsequently apply this to all of your LoD’s. As soon as I reached a certain distance then I couldn’t see the wind.

1 for LOD0, .005 for LOD1, and .001 for LOD2 seems to work fairly well.

Hi, thanks for your answer.
I actually have a WindDirectionalSource in my scene (that’s why trees and ferns react to the wind too).

However I don’t know how to “apply” the value to the billboard material and the LOD’s ones. The SpeedTree node is already in (and probably well configured by default, doesn’t it ? : Geometry type set to Billboard, Wind type set to Fast, Billboard Threshold set to 0,9). Screen size value for my LODs are already these you mentionned.


Sometimes the SpeedTree values are not always by default what you want to see. I would expect to move to some degree, but when testing I had to click on the SpeedTree node and change it to " Best " I believe for the value of the wind. Then adjust various values of the wind to get the trees to sway significantly.

Well wind is correctly set for my other trees and plants in scene, so I assume there’s a problem with the mesh.
Nevermind, I’ll make without these bushes.

Thanks a lot !

Any update on this? Still having the same problem

Hi, I’m sorry but I haven’t looked at this since a long time and have currently no project with use of these bushes and wind. Did you try with the newest versions of the engine ?