Updated to 4.9 and have been using this material and mesh for a river. It won’t render on the Kite Demo river mesh S_RiverBed_Basin, just shows worldgrid. However, the material renders fine on any other mesh I apply it to.
Hey docjor,
Would you mind providing me with a few screenshots of how you are applying the material to the mesh in your scene?
An image of it applied to an object successfully versus the issue you are experiencing would be most beneficial. Let me know if you have other questions.
Here is the material applied to its default mesh.
Here is the material applied to the floor
Here is the material applied to the other river mesh in the kite demo
And here is the material applied to the ground plane in kite demo
Change your Skylight and your Directional Light to Movable too see if that corrects the issue. This will make your scenes lighting fully dynamic.
In my actual level I have dynamic lighting, it does the exact same thing in there.
Would you show me screenshots of your ‘actual level’ so I can see what you are reporting.
More specifically, images showing the ‘Details’ of your Skylight and Directional Light actors would help the most. If were using full dynamic lighting, then the editor should not prompt you to ‘Rebuild the Lighting’ in your scene as I can see in each screenshot you have provided thus far.
Thank you,
Well what I’m trying to report is as I said in the OP-- The material doesn’t render on the basin mesh in 4.9, it did in 4.8. Static or dynamic lighting makes no difference to this. But here is a SS with dynamic lighting. The grey spline is obviously the material on the basin mesh, and to the right is the same material on another mesh.
Open the Static Mesh editor and make sure it is applied there, as well as looking in the details panel of your mesh placed in the scene. Under the Rendering section there is a place to Override the Material, which could also be the case.
It’s applied to the mesh, and I have tried both with and without override mat. Here is a screenshot of the material on the mesh, then another screenshot with another material on the mesh. It is a particular problem with rendering this specific material on this specific mesh, as the material renders on other meshes, and other materials render on this mesh.
Hey docjor,
Just to clarify, you downloaded the ‘A boy and His Kite’ from the Learn tab. You then upgraded this project to 4.9.2?
The demo has not been released or verified for 4.9.2, probably for reasons related to the one you are experiencing. Whenever you upgrade or convert a project, not that we expect things to break, but things can tend to break as the changes made in that engine version cause compatibility issues.
If this works fine in a different version, or on a different mesh, I suggest using one of those two options for now until the demo is released for 4.9.2
Thank you,
No, I migrated the static mesh and material from Kite Demo into my own project in 4.8. Seems a bit strange, like an engine problem more than a problem with the mesh or material, but I’ll have to see what I can do.