Hello UE4 Community,
i’m building a game since a few years in unreal engine 4 and run into a problem with blueprints and particle systems. In my project i’m using the [Community Project] WIP Weather & Ocean Water Shader]([Community Project] WIP Weather & Ocean Water Shader - Work in Progress - Unreal Engine Forums) asset for ocean and weather. The problem i run into is, how do i get the particles current location as soon as they hit a certain actor/component and tell them to kill on hit without deactivating the whole particle system?
What i want to achieve:
- Snow particle should be deleted as soon as they enter a box/trigger box
- Particle around the box should still be active
What i already tried:
- Using a collision in cascade set to depth of field (result: particle ignored all collisions)
- Using a collision in cascade set to distance field (result: some particle got blocked by actors, but most did go through)
- Using a break hit result for the particle system (result: output for location was 0 for xyz)
- Using a collision event in cascade reference it in the blueprint (result: couldn’t get a workable result)
In Cascade:
In Game (particle go through walls and roof with collision set to distance field):
Distance field (imported custom distance field):
Blueprint initializating the snow particle system:
Any help on this topic is highly appreciated!
Tell me if you need more information