Keyframing Animation Assets to Match Movement

I hope this isn’t a redundant question, but I didn’t find the topic for it when I searched. I have a MetaHuman that I’m animating with an asset from the UE Marketplace. When I did this with a different animation asset from a different creator, it worked perfectly well. But for some reason, my character goes between gliding from keyframed movements and taking the steps from the animation asset. Is this something I have to try and figure out with the timing of the keyframes? Or is it some kind of weird glitch?

Any advice or suggestions are welcome! Thanks

*Oh, and I know her hands are weird… that’s another thing I’m having trouble fixing. I tried this method and it works and shows up properly in the animation preview, but not in the level.

Hey vampirate.1782!

So I have a few documents you should take a look at and see if that illuminates your answer:

This one will help with sequencer. If it’s a sequencer issue, it seems like the weights of your animation need to be adjusted.

This one is an overall “animating a person” documentation. It’s possible you need to be using a blendspace 1D and passing the character’s speed float into the blendspace as the weight between “idle” and “walking”.

Also if that walk is the max walk speed you want, you can set it in the character’s Character Movement Component in its BP. You’ll have to play around with the number and test it out, but the variable is “Max Walk Speed”. Try just searching it up with the character movement component selected.

Go check that stuff out and get back to us!

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Hi Mind-Brain!
Thanks for those docs. I’ll check them out and def get back. I know I did get some exposure to the locomotion-based blending, which I know will be useful, but when I started this method, it seemed more complicated than I have the skill-level and timeline for at the moment. But given the issues I’m having, it may prove to be the actual solution lol. I’ll keep ya posted!

Okay! I’m back with an update. So I did manage to get the movement to look a little more natural, didn’t figure out the hands, but I’m generally happy. It works for what I need. Thanks again @Mind-Brain for your help!

I’m dropping a link for the final product. :smiley:

Awesome @vampirate1782 ! GREAT WORK!

Love being able to help, especially when people come back and show their end results! Keep filming! :smiley:

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Thank you! :pray:t5: