Keep component orientation

I have a project where I need to align frequently the images.
I have some controls points
Every times it creates a component, I have to realign (set ground plane).
But why ? As the orientation as already been set once, why not keeping it?

Is there a way to fix this ?

Also in the 3D viewport, how do you know where are x, y, z axis ? There are not displayed, but we are in a 3D software, they should appear.


Hi Bennyman33,
why do you need to align the project frequently? With each alignment a new component is created in a neutral pose. If you check the previous component, the ground plane should be set as you did it.
If you want to keep the orientation for each component, you can consider using the ground control points with a know coordinates in some specific coordinate system (it also could be local).

In 3D viewport is net, which is oriented to XY (if you will use top view, Y points up and X to right).
If you will do a double click on the model or in the 3D view with left mouse button, the pivot will show with the axis. Green is for Y axis, blue for X axis and red for Z axis.

Hello OndrejTrhan,

Thank you for your reply.
I have a bad qualilty images (1024*768), very noisy, some extracted from video with compression artefacts and unable to retake any shot. It’s a very important project. So I use a lot of controls points and realign frequently. As you said each time, it’s creating a new component but I nee to realign it each time also.

What do you mean by checking ?

How can i use control point to set ground control point ?

If you display the axis at the origin of the world, I think every user would be happy. I frequenlty have model not having the same up direction.

Using bad images in could be hard to produce a quality model.
In this case the best idea will be to set the ground after a final alignment.
I meant just show the previously created component, but it will be without added images:
To use control points as ground control points you will need to use coordinates. You can set the selected CP as GCP here:

Then you will need to set its coordinates:

You can use the coordinates from actual position and paste them to X, Y, Z. You should use more than 3 points as GCPs for your model. Also, do you need to keep the scale? Then you will need to create the scale with a real distance.

When you will be using GCPs, then after each new alignment those points will have the same coordinates and therefore the model will be oriented in the same orientation. And you can use local coordinate system for your case (unless you need georeferenced data, then it is better to use coordinates from that coordinate system)

Also, thank you or your ideas.

Thank you, It works for me with Ground Control point.