Hi there guys, thanks for the constant help you provide. I have a question though.
I’m creating a online multiplayer fast paced 3d side scroller. My setup id the following:
!) I have a custom Player Controller which feeds the input to my main character class
2) All my characters came from a custom Character class
3) All the attacks and “power ups” are created via components, which use the custom character class to act. (isAttacking, etc)
So right now my game is working but i came to the point in which i need to fine tune the movement. I’m thinking maybe a megaman X movement type.
Talking with some animators, they say i should make the jump animation (or jump movement) so it goes quickly to the top and then goes slowly to the apex from there, it’s not lineal, nor like normal physics.
Trying to fine tune the movement component hasn’t prove succesful, the jump always feels floaty and i can’t make it like the platformer i want.
Also, my characters don’t have a normal person ratio, they are more like a 1:1 ratio (width:height) so the capsule component doesn’t work that well… but i can’t change it to a box capsule
I’m at a loss here… should i abort using the Character and implement a custom pawn movement component that has a square box collider and jumps more like a megaman game?