This thread has random, completely unrelated images under my posts. Pictures I never uploaded:
It was originally about about drawing 2d lines; now, judging by the images, it’s about:
- measuring performance
- Osiris
- bunch of characters a-posing
- accepting AnswerHub posts
- interfaces
Looks like every image comes from a different post, tbh.
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Same issue here. it’s not my own post, but I was using the tutorial to help with a project 'm working on.
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We’re working on this issue - thanks for the report though 
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I dodged at least this one bullet since I always upload images to external sites.
Hey as long as I don’t have to pay or clutter my own depots then it’s good !

I agree, Imgur has a lot of problems. I never heard that it is moving to another platform though.
The attachments should be updated at this point. Those posts are looking tidied up from my end - how about on your side?
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Looks spot on! Thank you.
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