I tried to make my FPS game to be able to GET and POST data to my database. I succeded on the GET method, but when I try to POST by adding JsonObjectConverter.h to my include, it won’t build at first. But after I clean, reopen, and rebuild, it finally succeeded. There’s still some errors like below :
Hmmm… try adding just “Json.h” and see if it helps with json compiling in. Also make sure you are including IImageWrapper.h and IImageWrapperModule.h in your Texture.h file.
You shouldn’t edit the Engine headers unless you really need to, the error regarding IImageWrapper and IImageWrapperModule show up if there are build errors in general, at least that is my experience. So I’d revert that file [Texture.h].
The real error is the Incomplete type which means you are missing a header(s) for one or more of the classes you are using.
Go through all your recent changes before the error, each class you are using check that there is a corresponding header, at least where it makes sense.
Are you using Forward Declaration in your headers?
You can comment out any new classes and the related code you are using in your cpp. Then Forward Declare in your header file. Slowly add the code back into your cpp and build until you hit the Incomplete type error, then you can get the header from Unreal documentation and add it to your cpp. Rinse and repeat.
You can also drop screenshots here of your header and the top of your cpp, maybe someone can spot the issue.
It works fine when its for GET method. But when I add the POST which need to add “JsonObjectConverter.h” on my include, it still build successfully, but when i run it on the Unreal Engine, it crashes immediately.
Here’s the include on the top of my cpp: #include “FinalFPSGameMode.h” #include “FinalFPSCharacter.h” #include “Json.h” #include “JsonObjectConverter.h” #include “UObject/ConstructorHelpers.h”