Join Session Node doesn’t work UE 5.1.1

Hello all! Has anyone experienced that when you connect via Radmin or Hamachi, the other PC finds the server, but does not connect? What can be the problem?

This is the logic for creating a server

Logic on the server search and then the button to connect

If I run it in two windows on my computer, it finds and connects

I don’t think you can do it that way. Basically, the server needs to be listed somewhere and a client will need to know where it can find the server.

You should be able to connect directly via IP, like shown here: How To Create A Multiplayer Game In 8 Minutes | Community tutorial

If you use the steam or epic online sub system, the server is listed on their servers and thus you should be able to find it.

Please feel free to correct me if I am incorrect.

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I think you are right! Thank you so much!

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