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Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
My FFA Map’s join in-progress is set to “Spawn”
There is only 1 round
No Spawn Limit
A pre-game spawn lobby set to “Island Start” - Enable during Phase “Always” - Priority Group “2”
Gameplay spawn lobby set to - Enable during Phase “Always” - Priority Group “1”
After Last Spawn Go to “Spectating” (There are only 2 choices either Spectating or Team Index but my map is FFA)
Every time a player joins an on-going game will spawn with 1 life and when eliminated will be transferred to spectate and doesn’t get to respawn for the rest of the match. The same player would have the class designer where they are given building materials. The added building materials will show on HUD when spawned but would actually be 0 indicated on the HUD (Its like the game itself deleted the added building materials, probably detecting the “join in progress” spawned player to be on a different class instead but I only have 1 class for the game).
Steps to Reproduce
Fix the Join in Progress “Spawn” to spawn the player properly according to island settings and class design
Expected Result
Players joining in-progress games will not have 1 life and will not get placed to spectate when eliminated
Players will also get set building materials given by the class designer
Observed Result
Join in Progress “Spawn” to work properly
Additional Notes
I believe people have also been reporting the issue about Join in Progress set to “Spawn on Next Round” where players still spawn.
If anyone has a fix for this I would appreciate it! Would be glad to hear your advice!