Jelly/softbody like Phat settings?

Hi! I have an enemy in my game that’s I want to appear wobbly and jelly like.

Basically, it’s a physics enabled skeletal mesh attached a base component in a blueprint.
I have it working, but I can’t seem to get the right feel for my PHAT.

Basically I want it to try to keep it’s default pose, but when it moves, it’s body parts wobbles and lags behind. So far its joints are ball hinges with some limits, but I find that things are a bit slow, sticky and floaty. What sort of settings would you make use of to achieve this sort of effect?

Edit: I was able to get somewhere by using very strong angular motor settings. It looks great when I simulate in the Phat editor. But doesn’t seem to behave the same way in-game, no matter what settings I use for the driver, the simulated bones just flop over to their limit as if there’s no motor settings.

Edit2: I ended up using a physics handle instead of setting the root bone to kinematic. I think there was some confusion between the phat editor’s transforms and the world relative transforms, so it tried to rotate itself into a different position than expected. While a physics handle takes a bit more to set up, and adds another layer of interpolation and updates, it works exactly like what I was trying to go for.

I quite like how they turned out: Winstick vlog 5, WIP enemy Imp - YouTube